Friday, July 18, 2008



Matty Dutton said...

haha that schmo went to far back

Samuel Sved said...

A common problem. They should make shorter brushes so ones knuckle would keep it from going too far in.

Anonymous said...

I met a British guy once who was new to the concept of brushing one's tongue. He was 26. I shudder to think at his 26 years of funkmouth.

Mary-Anne said...

ah, good ol' eye-watering dry heaves. I had a case of those recently at a Brown-nosing Festival I attended...

Justin said...

I usually dry heave at least 3 times when I brush my teeth.

Matty Dutton said...

post a new doon ya lazy ass! lol

Justin Ridge said...

So true....

Nico said...
