Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Darkness, Remastered!

Yeah I know. It's been a long time since I posted. I moved from Vancouver Canada to Burbank California. I've been kinda busy with that stuff.

BUT! Here is a remastered version of my Darkness cartoon. ('remastered', as in, inbetweened. For you non-animator regular folk, that it's better)

Although I'm not too sure how I feel about his tongue at the end. Yay or nay?


Mary-Anne said...

Hell yay on the tongue! Nice bulge, too ^_^

Nico said...

Go fuck yourself and die in a car fire.

picipötty* said...

Yay ^^

Jeremy Bernstein said...

Amazing, amazing, amazing ...brilliant! I love it!

Kevin Waddell said...

Now that's extreme! Nice work :)

Justin Ridge said...

Really sweet timing! Man, I need to animate something to music too.....