Sunday, February 01, 2009

the perfect guy

Yeah. I know. It's been months. Here is a horrible comic.


Emmett said...

I can breath again.

Mary-Anne said...

HA! You're evil ^_^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm new around here...but did you do the intro on "The Animation Show" video? Even if you didn't, this comic rocks

Justin said...

I've never heard of the Animation Show, so I'm I didn't do it.

Mike Jones said...

I'm confused, should I not be doing that at funerals then...?

Absolutely love yer comics!! We post them on the walls at Cap college, and people steal them!

Sean Covernton said...


Justin Ridge said...

so wrong....yet so good.

Jesse Soto said...

I should be feeling pretty bad, but this is really hilarious and just perfect :O! It's like my morals have been skimmed over for great scribbles.